Category: Injuries

November 3, 2011

Michigan Lawyers Weekly article on traumatic brain injury diagnosis with diffusion tensor imaging Last week, I was on the front page of Michigan Lawyers Weekly in a very important story about traumatic brain injury diagnosis and imaging technology called diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). The story was called Brain scan key for closed-head injury. The topic, …

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November 2, 2011

Brain injury attorney interviewed by Michigan Lawyers Weekly on TBI diagnosis with diffusion tensor imaging brain scan Steven M. Gursten, partner of Michigan Auto Law, was featured in a Michigan Lawyers Weekly article about an imaging tool to detect traumatic brain injury, called diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). Gursten told the newspaper that although DTI is not …

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October 28, 2011

Don’t let the defense IME “independent” medical examiner defame your client by calling deterioration malingering! Of all the notorious independent medical examiners (IMEs) out there who are paid a fortune by defense lawyers, insurance companies, and workers comp carriers to say there is nothing wrong with truly injured people so benefits can be stopped, the …

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October 8, 2011

Car accident victims with TBI fatigue easily and take longer to recover I recently blogged about better ways for brain injury lawyers to help TBI survivors injured in car accidents. Here are some interesting facts from a presentation I did for the Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer Litigation Group for American Association for Justice in Philadelphia. …

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September 16, 2011

Steve Gursten will be speaking to brain injury lawyers on higher settlements in auto accident cases and TBI I’ll be speaking this week in Las Vegas as part of the 360 Advocacy Institute’s Insurance, Settlement and Mediation conference seminar. My presentation is about teaching lawyers how to build damages in car accident injury cases involving …

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September 9, 2011

I’ll be speaking at the Michigan Association for Justice No-Fault insurance seminar today on how to help brain injury lawyers Today I’ll be speaking to my fellow Michigan injury lawyers about updates in the law for auto accident victims with traumatic brain injury (TBI). This presentation is part of the Michigan Association for Justice Annual …

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August 26, 2011

Traumatic brain injury from a serious truck accident caused post traumatic seizures I recently interviewed a new client who was being tested at U of M hospital for post-traumatic Parkinson’s and seizures following a traumatic brain injury (TBI) from a truck accident. The client is from Marquette, Michigan, and he has been driving all the …

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August 15, 2011

Michigan brain injury lawyer dispels common defense and IME myths in car accident TBI cases Recently one of the largest studies to date was released on the connection between traumatic brain injury (TBI) and the increased risk of developing dementia and Alzheimer’s disease later in life. The study will be helpful for traumatic brain injury …

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July 20, 2011

Accident attorney discusses the unintended harms that result from not telling juries about the existence of insurance in auto accident lawsuits In my years trying car accident and truck accident injury cases, I’ve learned that there are many misconceptions that jurors have about our judicial system. Chief among these is that many people incorrectly believe …

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