Category: Auto Safety

March 3, 2012

Readers of this blog know that from time to time, I invite guest blogs from accident lawyers I know throughout the country. Today, I’m posting a guest blog from Console Hollawell. This blog tackles an important subject: keeping our children safe in the car and preventing something terrible that is referred to as “seat belt …

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February 27, 2012

Auto accident lawyer gives 11 safety tips to keep children safe around cars The winter has been unseasonably warm, which actually brought up a tough, but important conversation that I had with one of my neighbors – how exactly do you keep children safe around cars? And what can you do to prevent children from …

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January 3, 2012

Accident lawyer suggests deactivating account until case is over If you use a social networking account such as Facebook or Twitter, our accident lawyers STRONGLY recommend that you stop – right now. Our Michigan accident lawyers are not recommending that you delete your accounts, but we do strongly recommend that you temporarily deactivate your account …

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December 16, 2011

Little-known section of Michigan’s No-Fault insurance law gives retirees chance to save on premium by waiving wage loss benefits As a Michigan No-Fault insurance lawyer who has represented hundreds of of auto accident injury victims and who fights for a living with insurance companies, I can say that there are rarely many opportunities I see …

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September 8, 2011

Auto accident attorney discusses Troy, Michigan ordinance We’re closing out the second week of our distracted driving awareness campaign. If you visit our Facebook page, you can enter to win a $1,032 check — enough money to buy Michigan No-Fault insurance for one year. The winner will be announced Sept. 12, and our auto accident …

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August 30, 2011

Our Michigan personal injury attorneys answer FAQs about distracted driving and texting while driving – that you may not realize could put you in danger We’re entering week two of our sweepstakes to help bring awareness to the dangers of distracted driving and the importance of good auto insurance. If you visit Michigan Auto Law’s …

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August 17, 2011

Our auto accident lawyers suggest rules to protect teenage drivers and prevent teen car accidents in Michigan Last week I blogged about an AAA Michigan study that said summer is the deadliest time of the year for teens in car accidents. AAA determined that between 2005 and 2009, an average of 422 teen auto accident …

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July 11, 2011

Statistics on drunk driving accidents in Oakland County, from our auto accident attorneys Drunk driving accidents occur the most in the summer in Michigan, especially in July. I’ve been a frequent speaker at Law Day the last number of years, talking with Oakland County high school students about the dangers of drunk driving. With summer …

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July 4, 2011

Our accident lawyers share latest stats on drunk driving car accidents in Wayne County – to help residents of large cities like Detroit and Dearborn Happy July 4, all. I want everyone to have a safe and happy holiday this year, so I’m tackling another serous subject today. Did you know that most drunk driving …

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