Category: Auto Safety

June 18, 2013

California, Florida and Nevada pass laws allowing testing of driverless cars,  Michigan is not far behind Driverless cars may sound like something out of the Jetsons.  But believe it or not, these automated, self-driving vehicles are here. Right now. Google has a self driving car, and several other automakers have been working on prototypes of …

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May 7, 2013

Auto accident attorney discusses crash liability in the future world of driverless cars If you could see me now, behind my computer while typing out this post, I would raise my coffee cup to you and drink a toast to my own obsolescence.  How wonderful it will be, hopefully in my children’s lifetime, when the …

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May 6, 2013

Michigan Auto Law attorney speaks to students as part of National Youth Traffic Safety Month – Let’s do our part to prevent teen car accidents today I think every parent can relate to the anxiety inducing evenings of waiting for teen drivers to arrive home safely. Summer is upon us.  And for teenage drivers, the …

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May 2, 2013

Attorney Steve Gursten, head of Michigan Auto Law, was featured on the Mitch Albom radio show as an expert on elderly driving, and discussed a new Michigan law that affects older drivers. You can listen to the whole interview here.  The new law, Public Act 354 and Public Act 355,  allows doctors to alert the Michigan …

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March 11, 2013

What if cars could drive themselves? It’s the stuff of science fiction. Except, that it’s likely to be a reality in only the next couple of years. Here is Eric Schmidt, former executive chairman of Google, interviewed by Daniel Franklin, executive editor of The Economist and editor-in-chief of “The World In…” publication, at The Economist’s …

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March 5, 2013

The “parking law” in Michigan and how to avoid that dreaded parking ticket We’ve all been there, even me from time to time (and Detroit wins the award for worst and most expensive place to get a parking ticket).  All of the parking spots in the lots are filled, or we are out of quarters …

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January 30, 2013

Angela Haynes discusses how she was rear ended in a construction zone This is our client Angela Haynes. Angela was in a horrible car accident in a construction zone. The vehicle she was a passenger in was rear-ended, and she sustained such horrible back and neck injuries, that she had to learn how to walk …

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December 29, 2012

How the FMSCA is regulating truck companies that open under  new names to avoid punishment The FMCSA has proposed rules that would allow the agency to suspend or revoke the operating authority registration of motor carriers that have shown egregious disregard for safety compliance. They also allow the FMSCA to suspend/revoke the operating authority registration …

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December 27, 2012

Learn what the Michigan Office of Highway Safety Planning is doing to prevent drunk driving car accidents over the holidays Our attorneys have been blogging a lot lately about safe driving around the holidays, and preventing car accidents caused by drunk driving. Today we wanted to share with you some helpful information from the Michigan …

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