Category: Auto Safety

January 27, 2014

Attorney Steven Gursten explains how we can protect society and preserve the rights of elderly drivers on Fox 2 Detroit “Let it Rip” I was a guest legal commentator last Thursday on Let it Rip on Fox 2 Detroit News, where the topic of  elderly driving and how old is too old to drive was …

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January 22, 2014

U.S. DOT didn’t relax ‘zero tolerance’ policy for truckers after Washington’s ‘Recreational Marijuana’ law. Will DOT react differently to Colorado’s marijuana law or the pot laws coming to a state near you? President Obama was all over the media Monday, with his stance that marijuana is no “more dangerous than alcohol”, and that it’s “important” …

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January 21, 2014

Aside from being an ‘accomplice’ are there other ways family, friends, companions, co-workers and bar tenders could be liable for a drunk driver? Recently, we posted the following question on Twitter, Facebook and Google +: “Should friends be arrested for letting friends drive drunk?” Our question – and a related blog post called “Could you …

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January 20, 2014

Self driving cars are here.  In Michigan.  Right now. As I wrote two weeks ago, self driving cars recently got the legislative green light. Now, Gov. Snyder and other officials have just announced a new, $6.5 million, 32-acre site to be built on the University of Michigan’s north campus as a test center for self …

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January 16, 2014

Detroit Legal News interviews Gursten on new laws that would allow testing of self-driving cars in Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder recently signed laws that would allow “driverless” cars to be legally road-tested in Michigan. Attorney Steven Gursten, head of Michigan Auto Law, answers questions from the Detroit Legal News on the legislation, and issues surrounding …

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January 6, 2014

New laws allowing driverless cars to be tested on Michigan roadways provide immunity to manufacturers and installers “Driverless” cars recently got the green light for road testing on Michigan roadways.  And as I had previously predicted, the new law also provides legal immunity for manufacturers and installers of driverless technology. In fact, the future for …

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December 20, 2013

I recently wrote about how the law works  when drivers on legal marijuana cause a car accident.    The next logical question is what happens when drivers are on illegal substances and drugs and cause a car accident? The impairing effects from smoking marijuana generally last 45-90 minutes, and can be longer for ingesting cannabis through …

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December 19, 2013

How to drive safely through a Michigan winter Winter driving – and in particular when weather conditions might excuse a car accident – comes up in just about every single auto accident case I see that occurs during the winter months.  It was the main issue in my trial in Clinton County, Michigan (just North …

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December 9, 2013

CT teens arrested for letting friend drive drunk in fatal car accident brings up interesting debate about how responsible friends should be for another’s drinking and driving Believe it or not, if you allow someone else to drive drunk, you could be held accountable. At least in Connecticut.  Over the weekend the news broke about …

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