Category: Auto Safety

November 2, 2016

What parents and caregivers need to know about the age, weight requirements for moving a child into a forward-facing car seat Keeping our children safe is priority No. 1 for parents and caregivers. As parents, we already know this. But, as an auto accident attorney who frequently blogs about tips for staying safe on the …

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October 20, 2016

During National Teen Driver Safety Week, Bonnie, who helped enact Michigan’s teen driving law, is teaming up with our attorneys to help parents advise and protect their teen drivers On Monday, I shared a special interview I had with Bonnie Raffaele, of Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. After her 17-year-old daughter Kelsey was tragically killed in …

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October 17, 2016

Our attorneys salute Bonnie: After her daughter Kelsey was tragically killed, Bonnie helped to enact “Kelsey’s Law.” Here’s her courageous story and more on the great advocacy work she’s doing Bonnie Raffaele is the true definition of a hero. After her 17-year-old daughter, Kelsey, was tragically killed in a car accident involving using her cell …

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September 22, 2016

Will states take cue from Fed ‘Model State Policy,’ which includes $5 million in insurance coverage for crashes and for road testing as part of U.S. DOT’s ‘Federal Automated Vehicles Policy’ Yesterday, I wrote about the U.S. Department of Transportation’s new “Federal Automated Vehicles Policy,” the policy’s 15-point safety assessment for driverless-car manufacturers and the …

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September 21, 2016

U.S. DOT’s “Federal Automated Vehicles Policy” shows a commitment to self-driving technology that has ‘potential to save thousands of lives’ from automobile accidents; 15-point safety assessment for manufacturers of ‘highly automated vehicles’ (HAVs) It’s now official: The Federal Government is 100% behind the development and deployment of driverless cars, which have the potential to prevent …

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September 16, 2016

To keep kids safe in the car, it’s important to know the age and height requirements for a booster seat – and when a child passenger has outgrown the booster As parents – and, thus, as inevitable parental chauffeurs – nothing is more important when we’re on the road than making sure our kids are …

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September 8, 2016

What happens next, as the MI Senate unanimously approved bills that provide open roads to autonomous, self-driving motor vehicles? In a unanimous 36-0 vote, the Michigan Senate approved “autonomous vehicle” legislation – Senate Bills 995-998 – which will, in the words of the bill-package’s sponsor, Sen. Mike Kowell (R-White Lake): Keep Michigan “competitive with the rest of the …

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August 24, 2016

Tragic car accident raises questions, again, about Michigan’s law and when older drivers are too old to drive How old is too old to drive? Sadly, that’s the question that was on my mind – and, likely, the minds of many other people – after the deadly, head-on car accident involving an 86-year-old driver who was …

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August 23, 2016

‘Tesla on Autopilot’ is an important step toward preventing ‘19 of every 20 crashes on the road’   It’s not going to happen overnight. The process of abandoning how we’ve driven cars for more than 100 years and let go of the wheel, open up an e-book and trust that our computer-controlled, driverless, self-driving car …

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