Category: Truck Accidents

December 17, 2014

And why this record 2014 trucking crash lawsuit isn’t really about the money at all Recently, I secured $34 million for a serious truck accident lawsuit. This is the largest-reported truck case in the nation for 2014. It is also the largest truck accident settlement ever by a Michigan attorney, according to the VerdictSearch reporter. …

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November 17, 2014

Michigan Auto Law attorney Steven Gursten settles trucking accident lawsuit for $34 million Last Thursday, I settled a truck accident lawsuit  for $34 million. I’m limited by the terms of a confidentiality agreement and cannot share the names of the parties or insurance companies, or discuss the injuries involved in the case, but some broad …

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November 4, 2014

Why underride guards will save lives in rear-end truck accidents First, let’s be clear: No one is blaming the truck drivers when a passenger car rear ends a semi tractor-trailer. The problem that exists however, is we know with statistical certainty that dozens and dozens of these truck underride crashes are going to occur every …

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September 27, 2014

3 reasons behind this spike in fatal truck accidents, and 4 solutions to this public safety crisis 1 in 10 highway deaths on our roads now involve commercial trucks, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS). That is staggering. But why is this happening? Why are so many people being seriously injured and …

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September 19, 2014

FMSCA releases new list of routes truckers transporting hazardous materials must avoid The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) recently released an updated list of routes truckers carrying hazardous materials are not allowed to use in the state of Michigan. What is a Hazmat route? Hazmat routes keep us safe. Hazmat routes are designed as …

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August 23, 2014

As driverless cars come closer to fruition, the technology is now taking a big leap toward the driverless commercial truck. I’ve been watching this development closely.  As a past-president of the American Association for Justice (AAJ) Truck Litigation Group, and as a founding partner of the Truck Accident Attorneys Roundtable, the issue is certainly one …

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February 14, 2014

An exemption for hours of service requirements for truck drivers hauling propane and heating oil in this horrible winter weather is a ticking time bomb Picture this: A very tired trucker hauling a fully-loaded propane truck has been driving a 20-hour shift. It’s 2 degrees below zero, the highways are iced over, and the snow …

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February 6, 2014

NHTSA data shows more truck crashes, including increases in multi-vehicle accidents and deaths among occupants of cars involved Innocent people are being killed in completely preventable truck accidents  every day. And it’s  getting worse. This may sound harsh, but the numbers don’t lie. According to a recent report from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration …

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December 21, 2013

When I speak at legal seminars educating other lawyers how to litigate truck accident cases, I always take my role as  an opportunity to be a safety advocate and to teach attorneys how they can help prevent serious truck crashes. Making trucks safer was something that I was very involved in when I was President …

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