Category: Accidents

September 4, 2013

Gursten weighs in on how these mirrors could prevent trucks running over pedestrians in the transport journal Attorney Steven Gursten, head of Michigan Auto Law, discussed crossover mirrors in commercial trucks – and how these $100 safety mirrors can save lives – with reporter Stephen Miller. is a New York transportation blog. …

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July 19, 2013

Today I will be speaking to personal injury lawyers and consumer lawyers from across the country about one of my toughest truck accident trials to date. I’ll be in San Francisco, lecturing at the Melvin M. Belli Society Seminar. My topic is “How to Win a Truck Accident Case with 5 Truckers on Your Jury,” …

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July 17, 2013

Bicycle helmet safety tips for safe riding this summer Bicycle helmets save lives. And they reduce the risk of head injury by 85%, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). But they have to be fitted properly in order to do so. Today I wanted to share this video from the NHTSA on …

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July 4, 2013

In Michigan, when passing a bicyclist you should allow a safe distance of at least 3 feet between your car or truck and the bicyclist. You should also drive at a careful and prudent speed such that you would be able to stop quickly if necessary. If it’s not practicable to allow a full 3 …

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June 7, 2013

People’s bodies, just like particles in physics, don’t react as we would expect I’ve started reading Stephen Hawking’s “The Grand Design,” and oddly enough, it got me thinking about how people in low speed car accidents become injured. In Chapter 4, Stephen Hawking describes something where they shoot tiny particles (called, oddly enough, buckyballs) at …

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May 17, 2013

May is Motorcycle Safety Month and National Youth Traffic Safety Month, which is a fitting time to talk about the Michigan motorcycle laws for minors. It sounds counterintuitive to allow teens and even children to ride motorcycles and motorized vehicles, but it is actually legal.  But being legal and safe are too different things. As …

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May 14, 2013

During National Bike Month in May, learn about bicycle traffic laws in Michigan and important safety tips Spring is finally here, and that means more people getting some sunshine and going on bike rides to have some fun. May is National Bike Month, which is a great time to hop on your bike and ride, …

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May 7, 2013

Auto accident attorney discusses crash liability in the future world of driverless cars If you could see me now, behind my computer while typing out this post, I would raise my coffee cup to you and drink a toast to my own obsolescence.  How wonderful it will be, hopefully in my children’s lifetime, when the …

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April 27, 2013

Safety Management Cycle also helps motor carriers and truck drivers evaluate existing safety measures I wanted to share this “Safety Management Cycle” chart today. It provides insight into how the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration investigates truck companies for safety. Motor Carriers and truck drivers can also use it  to evaluate current behavior and safety …

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