Category: Car Accidents

September 25, 2013

U.S. DOT traffic safety agency takes ground-breaking step by issuing policy statement and recommendations for “testing of self-driving vehicles” As the buzz continues to build about “driverless” or “self-driving” cars being a part of everyone’s future, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has taken the wheel and merged into the fast lane. And it …

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September 19, 2013

The key to making driverless cars safe is not “killing all the lawyers” Bloomberg’s Megan McArdle got it all wrong in her September 11, 2013, column, “To Enjoy Driverless Cars, First Kill All The Lawyers.” I say this not out of any sense for self-preservation because I am a lawyer. Although, to be fair, I …

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June 7, 2013

People’s bodies, just like particles in physics, don’t react as we would expect I’ve started reading Stephen Hawking’s “The Grand Design,” and oddly enough, it got me thinking about how people in low speed car accidents become injured. In Chapter 4, Stephen Hawking describes something where they shoot tiny particles (called, oddly enough, buckyballs) at …

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May 7, 2013

Auto accident attorney discusses crash liability in the future world of driverless cars If you could see me now, behind my computer while typing out this post, I would raise my coffee cup to you and drink a toast to my own obsolescence.  How wonderful it will be, hopefully in my children’s lifetime, when the …

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March 11, 2013

What if cars could drive themselves? It’s the stuff of science fiction. Except, that it’s likely to be a reality in only the next couple of years. Here is Eric Schmidt, former executive chairman of Google, interviewed by Daniel Franklin, executive editor of The Economist and editor-in-chief of “The World In…” publication, at The Economist’s …

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February 21, 2013

We recently received a common question on the implications of filing for bankruptcy after a car accident or truck accident, and how each affects the other in Michigan. Filing for bankruptcy will dramatically impact your car accident case.  It’s best to speak with an experienced auto accident attorney and a bankruptcy attorney to fully understand …

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December 10, 2012

Construction zones are dangerous to more than just construction workers – why car accidents are more likely and more hazardous WNEM Saginaw TV news recently interviewed me for a story on the dangers of construction zones, and in particular, how construction zones can cause a car accident. I was interviewed by reporter Craig McMorris, and …

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December 7, 2012

A to-do list for Canadian drivers on how to register a car Canadian drivers who live in Michigan for extended periods of time are putting themselves at great risk if their vehicles are not registered properly according to the Michigan No-Fault law. Last week, I wrote about why this can be so dangerous for Canadian …

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July 25, 2012

Learn about two important No-Fault insurance benefits for injured auto accident victims in Michigan It’s easy to get these two important No-Fault benefits confused.  Often, when I appear in Court at case evaluation on a very significant lawsuit involving attendant care benefits, I have to even start off educating the lawyers serving on the panel …

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