Category: Car Accidents

May 17, 2017

There have been nearly 200 pedestrian deaths alone in Michigan. For something so preventable, these texting and driving statistics are inexcusable

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April 27, 2017

Steve will explore TBI, Chronic Pain, Fatigue and Disability in auto accident cases at Arkansas Trial Lawyers Association’s annual conference

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April 6, 2017

Rain is a cause of many car crashes in April, creating dangers that are not always visible for drivers. Here’s what to do to stay safe

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March 23, 2017

Michigan’s ‘ambulance chasing’ law defines illegal ‘attorney solicitation’ of a car crash victim as a ‘verbal or written’ offer within 30 days of a car accident to ‘provide a service for a fee or other remuneration’

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March 9, 2017

If a defendant has hired a biomechanical engineering expert to rebut your client’s injuries, there’s a more direct, efficient — and cheaper — way to counter him

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March 7, 2017

Maybe. Or not. Michigan’s No Fault auto insurance law doesn’t require drivers to have uninsured or underinsured coverage, so coverage will depend on policy language

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March 2, 2017

Will there be – as one expert predicts – ‘a shift in blame for a crash from the at-fault driver to the automotive industry and … manufacturers and software developers who design and update [driverless] car computers’? Driverless cars will one day do wonders to save lives. That’s why I’ve been such an outspoken proponent …

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March 1, 2017

No one thinks about a car accident when they are getting divorced. But they should. When divorce lawyers think about family law, they don’t think about Michigan’s auto No Fault insurance law or how a car accident will impact a child’s domicile. But they should. In divorce agreements, where there are minor children involved, the …

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January 9, 2017

Lawmakers allow speed limit increase on ‘limited access freeways,’ which may include some of Michigan’s most heavily traveled roadways The wording of Michigan’s new, faster speed limit laws got me wondering: Could the speed demons whizzing around the Lodge Freeway in Detroit and the South Beltline Freeway in Grand Rapids rev things up to 75 …

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