Category: Bus Accidents

March 5, 2015

House Bill 4020 proposes one seat belt per student; but NHTSA casts doubt on the need Should Michigan school buses be equipped with seat belts for each student? I’m a parent, and I’m also an attorney who’s been involved in many school bus accident and injury cases. I’ve deposed manufacturers of school buses and in …

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January 31, 2015

I was recently interviewed as a legal expert on a Channel 4 News story about the spike in bus accidents and injuries being caused by SMART buses. Channel 4 was investigating the reasons these SMART buses keep causing accidents and hitting pedestrians in metro Detroit. To begin with, bus accidents are a lot more common …

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December 8, 2014

Attorney Steven Gursten weighs in on Channel 4 News, after two SMART bus accidents  in one week left one dead and one critically injured On Thursday, reporter Kimberly Gill of Channel 4 News stopped by the office to interview me on bus safety – in the wake of two serious SMART bus accidents involving pedestrians. …

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April 13, 2012

Michigan’s No-Fault law delineates the insurance required to pay your PIP insurance benefits when occupying limousines, airport shuttles, etc. This is the third blog in my series about who pays No-Fault PIP benefits for people who are injured in auto accidents under different scenarios. Michigan has “priority” laws – rules contained in our No-Fault Act …

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April 26, 2010

Bus accident attorney tells Michigan Lawyers Weekly that law requiring bus accident victims to provide notice of injuries within two months is unfair Steve Gurtsen says SMART (Suburban Mobility Authority for Regional Transport) escaped responsibility for causing debilitating personal injuries to two of its passengers (one of whom was wheelchair-bound) and one unsuspecting driver in …

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