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An open letter to our team at Michigan Auto Law

August 17, 2017 by Steven M. Gursten


Quote from Michigan Auto Law about Charlottesville

Dear reader,

Yesterday I felt compelled by the events of the last few days to share the following words with everyone at Michigan Auto Law, reaffirming our core values to each other and to the public.

Today, I want to share those words with you.

This has never been a political blog. In the past seven years that I have been writing this auto law blog, I can only think of a handful of occasions when a post fell outside the areas of automobile accident litigation, consumer safety, and the Michigan auto No-Fault law. As an office, we work hard to provide a legal blog that provides thought leadership in these areas, and to write substantive posts that provide value and insight for our readership.

Today’s blog is different. In the last seven months, I have become very concerned by the unprecedented attacks on the judiciary and the media. An independent judiciary and free press are critical institutions underpinning our American democracy.

Both must be strongly defended when attacked.

Then came Charlottesville on Saturday, and the events of the last several days, which compelled me to share the words below yesterday morning with our entire team and staff at Michigan Auto Law.

No matter where you stand on the political spectrum, there can be no moral equivalency made between those who march in support of the supremacy of one group of people over another group of people.

Abraham Lincoln wrote that the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

Here is the message we shared yesterday:

As a company and law firm dedicated to fighting for the rights of individuals and the pursuit of justice, we believe it is our moral and professional obligation to reiterate and emphasize our commitment to standing with, and for, the integrity and protection of every person regardless of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation or nationality.

The events of the last few days have brought to the forefront of American discourse issues we thought were definitively and universally rebuked by the civilized world more than 70 years ago. No matter the commercial names each takes on for public consumption, racism, bigotry, sexism and discrimination have no place in our society nor our organization.

We are committed to being a diverse and inclusive company not only accepting, but embracing, people of all walks of life. Today and forever we explicitly denounce all forms of hate and those who support or sympathize with its promotion and dissemination. We will continue to fight for the causes we hold dear and to promote a just and fair society.

Thank you for standing with Michigan Auto Law and each other.

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